Welcome to Faith United Methodist Church. It is our heart and desire to engage the community of Waseca with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, equip those who respond to be the next generation of disciples of Jesus Christ and to empower them to go into the world as partners with God for the healing of the world.
Jesus said: “I no longer call you servants but friends.” John 15:15
As followers of Jesus we seek to learn to be friends to those whom God puts in our path.
Each Sunday newcomers can be assured that someone will be at the door to help them
find their way.
We try to make guests feel at ease from the moment you enter our doors :)
The church building is fully accessible.
An elevator connects the first floor entrance to the sanctuary and classrooms.
Large print bulletins and assisted listening devises are always available.
Fellowship After Worship
Every Sunday after worship everyone is invited to the lower level of the church to enjoy conversation and a light refreshment.
This is a wonderful time to reconnect with each other.
Events in the Fellowship Hall